Monday, April 01, 2013

An Update 

I am currently retired from active ministry, as of a couple months ago. Actually, I announced my intent to retire from active ministry in January of 2012, but I have remained in place as pastor until we could search and locate a suitable replacement as pastor. The Lord has given us at least two men who are suitable for the task, and therefore I am taking my leave, following the dictates of my poor old body and mind.

Our church sold our church house, as the membership could no longer support a pastor and the church house together. The church now meets in a public library in Zeeland, MI, and continues steadfast in the faith. We hope by late 2013 to have a pastor in place full time so that the church can begin a program of growth and development.

I and my wife have sold our home in Holland, MI, and intend to relocate to Central Illinois, where most of our family resides. We have missed them in the 13 years we have ministered in Holland, and now that we have retired we hope to once again enjoy the company of our relations more closely. We especially want to be a part of the growing lives of our three grandsons, all who reside in Central Illinois. We love them a bunch and hope that in these our last days we get to be involved with them as much as they will allow. 

As it is sometimes said, ministers never really retire, actually. And I am sure that I will have some involvement with ministry wherever and as long as my Lord gives me breath. But I fully intend to make it less intense than in the past, with a bit more rest for my weary body and mind. I admittedly have lost some of my abilities, but with whatever I have remaining, I dedicate it to the Lord Jesus Christ for the remainder of my days here. Perhaps I can now spend more time devoted to a written work that I have envisioned which I have tentatively entitled "Peripatetic Questioning Evangelism," an attempt to explore and advise those who hold to Calvinistic doctrine as to how to approach personal evangelism in our modern day, fulfilling the admonitions of the Apostle Paul to Timothy to "not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will." 

I and my wife are eternally grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His mercy towards us. We look forward to His grace and mercy yet in the future.

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