Thursday, January 26, 2006

Update on Articles about Gothard

By now I had hoped to have yet another installment for my series of articles about Gothardism, but time and life's demands have not allowed me to do so. Nonetheless, I will be back with another article as I promised. And I may have more stuff to cite, since I have been very fortunate to have recently come into possession of a wealth of Gothard's writings and stuff offered on eBay. Mind you, I am not saying that the material itself is worth much, but to get my hands on the seminar books and literature is a feat in itself, as Gothard is somewhat stingy with the dissemination of his literature, a fact that I chided him about in an earlier article. So now I have a box full of material to cite and critique - and my very own Red Book! Gerin Woodbury, a deacon in our church, has already previewed the stuff, and informs me that it is awful stuff to read. I knew that already, of course, but it is good to have the words from the horse's mouth, so to speak. I want to thank Cyber Mom [Di Woodbury] for her expertise in searching the Web for those materials. She may not be omniscient, but, beware, she seems to see all! Maybe she is working for NSA or something, and has access to a spy satellite. Thanks, Di and Gerin, for your fine work and support.


Anonymous said...

It is our pleasure to aid you in the defence of the Gospel against these false teachers such as Gothard. May your articles bring Honor and Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, and that others will be better equiped and see through the deception that has invaded our churches!
~Gerin & Di Woodbury

bob said...

Ah, Vic, so now your secret source for information comes out! I suspected that there might be link between you and the new spy policies as designed by the current administrations patriot act!

I enjoy the articles and hope to be able to see you sometime the coming month.

Vic Edwards said...

Yep, you are right. A bit of "big brotherism." Actually, it was a backhanded compliment to Di, as she is the consummate finder of stuff on the Web, and she found the Gothard stuff out on eBay. I have a complete box full of stuff and am reading selectively now. Gerin was right in his assessment.

We also hope to see you in this coming month, and are looking forward to our fellowship together.

Shawn said...

Well Thanks Vic, I'm looking forward to more. Interestingly enough, I've never heard of Gothard before you talked of him, but it is quite interesting.

Have a great time at Bob's. I recently visited and it was great to see him as well. His kids are getting so big and growing up so fast.